I created this image and a series of diagrams for the Script/INE exhibition at the F.U.E.L Gallery in
There where a number of scripts developed to make this project possible. However, I have posed the two scripts that I feel are the “engine” of the project. You can download all the tools I developed from the link on the upper right hand corner of this page under the download my scripts heading.
int $loopA;
int $loopB;
$loopB = 0;
$loopA = 0;
int $blindDataArray[];
string $dataArray[];
int $data;
$data = 0;
int $typeCheck;
$typeCheck = 0;
int $size;
int $type;
$type = 7;
int $oneC;
$oneC = 0;
int $zeroC;
$zeroC = 0;
int $last;
$last = 0;
int $add2;
$add2 = 0;
int $add;
$add = 0;
//string $FEM_selected[] = `ls -sl`;
string $dataArray2[];
int $size2;
select -r Mesh ;
$dataArray2 = `ls -sl -fl`;
$size2 = size($dataArray2);
select -cl ;
while($loopA < $size2){ select -r Mesh.f[$loopA] ; // select -r Mesh.f[0]; $blindTest2 = `polyQueryBlindData -showComp`; print ($blindTest2[0]+"\n"); print ($blindTest2[1]); $blindConv2 = $blindTest2[1]; $typeCheck = $blindConv2; if($typeCheck == 1){ print"one\n"; $type = 1; } if($typeCheck == 0){ print"Zero\n"; $type = 0; } ConvertSelectionToEdges; ConvertSelectionToFaces; $dataArray = `ls -sl -fl`; $size = size($dataArray); print($size + "\n"); select -cl ; while($loopB < (size($dataArray))){ select -r $dataArray[$loopB] ; $blindTest = `polyQueryBlindData -showComp`; print ($blindTest[0]+"\n"); print ($blindTest[1]); $blindConv = $blindTest[1]; $blindDataArray[$loopB] = $blindConv; $last = $blindDataArray[$loopB]; if($last == 0){ $zeroC = $zeroC + 1; } if($last == 1){ $oneC = $oneC + 1; } $loopB = $loopB + 1; } if($type = 1 && $oneC <> 3){
select -r Mesh.f[$loopA] ;
polyBlindData -id 0 -associationType "face" -longDataName "number" -doubleData 0.0;
if($type = 1 && $oneC == 2 || $oneC == 3){
select -r Mesh.f[$loopA] ;
polyBlindData -id 0 -associationType "face" -longDataName "number" -doubleData 1.0;
$blindTest = `polyQueryBlindData -showComp`;
print ($blindTest[0]+"\n");
print ($blindTest[3]);
$blindConv = $blindTest[3];
$add2 = $blindConv;
$add = $add2 + 1;
polyBlindData -id 1 -associationType "face" -longDataName "numberA" -doubleData $add;
if($type = 0 && $oneC == 3){
select -r Mesh.f[$loopA] ;
polyBlindData -id 0 -associationType "face" -longDataName "number" -doubleData 1.0;
$blindTest = `polyQueryBlindData -showComp`;
print ($blindTest[0]+"\n");
print ($blindTest[3]);
$blindConv = $blindTest[3];
$add2 = $blindConv;
$add = $add2 + 1;
polyBlindData -id 1 -associationType "face" -longDataName "numberA" -doubleData $add;
print($oneC + "\n");
print($zeroC + "\n");
$oneC = 0;
$add = 0;
$add2 = 0;
$zeroC = 0;
$loopA = $loopA + 1;
$loopB = 0;
global proc twirlSprout(){
float $ran;
int $out;
int $randCont;
$randCount = 0;
int $evalu[];
int $masterCount;
matrix $matr[22] [22];
int $rotChoiceX;
int $rotChoiceY;
int $rotChoiceZ;
float $rotX;
float $rotY;
float $rotZ;
int $i;
int $scalChoiceX;
int $scalChoiceY;
int $scalChoiceZ;
float $scalX;
float $scalY;
float $scalZ;
int $randPrint;
int $sproutLoop;
float $temp[];
int $q;
int $w;
while ($randCount<22){ ran =" rand(0,1);" out =" 1;"> 0.5){
$evalu[$randCount] = 0;
$out = 0;
$randCount = $randCount + 1;
$randPrint = 0;
while($randPrint < randprint =" $randPrint" evalu =" {1," rev =" 14;" x =" 0;" j =" 0;" j =" 0;" mastercount =" 0;" check =" $j" check =" 0;" j =" $j" mastercount =" $masterCount" x =" $x" j =" 0;" i =" 0;" q =" 0;" w =" 0;" w =" 0;" w =" $w" q =" $q" sproutloop =" 0;" rotchoicex =" $matr[2]" rotchoicey =" $matr[2]" rotchoicez =" $matr[2]" scalchoicex =" $matr[2]" scalchoicey =" $matr[2]" scalchoicez =" $matr[2]" rotchoicex ="="" rotx =" -20;" scalx =" 0.9;" rotchoicex ="="" rotx =" 0;" scalx =" 1.01;" rotchoicey ="="" roty =" -20;" scaly =" 0.9;" rotchoicey ="="" roty =" 0;" scaly =" 1.01;" rotchoicez ="="" rotz =" -20;" scalz =" 1.01;" rotchoicez ="="" rotz =" 0;" scalz =" 0.9;" tempselection =" `ls" sproutloop =" $sproutLoop" rotchoicex =" $matr[2]" rotchoicey =" $matr[2]" rotchoicez =" $matr[2]" scalchoicex =" $matr[2]" scalchoicey =" $matr[2]" scalchoicez =" $matr[2]" rotchoicex ="="" rotx =" 20;" scalx =" 0.9;" rotchoicex ="="" rotx =" 0;" scalx =" 1.01;" rotchoicey ="="" roty =" 20;" scaly =" 0.9;" rotchoicey ="="" roty =" 0;" scaly =" 1.01;" rotchoicez ="="" rotz =" 20;" scalz =" 1.01;" rotchoicez ="="" rotz =" 0;" scalz =" 0.9;" tempselection =" `ls" sproutloop =" $sproutLoop" selco =" 0;" dataarray =" `ls" size =" size($dataArray);" selco =" $selCo">