Sunday, September 30, 2007

Processing Matrix Library

The MatrixMath library will let you perform a number of different matrix operations in the processing development environment. For more information about processing go to

Source Code
download v1.1

I have set up website for the library with complete documentation

Saturday, September 29, 2007

CSFEM Feedback V7 0.1.7

This script is intended to work with CSFEM. An existing structural analysis plug in for Maya.

The script provides a framework for working with the output from CSFEM in a more productive and generative way.

The plug-in allows you to edit and select members based on a variety of criteria output from the analysis.

Download CSFEM Feedback v7.0

Monday, September 10, 2007

PointToMesh alpha1

This is kind of a messy script but it was the first mel script I ever wrote... one of these days I'll fix it up. The script will use a particle field to create a polygon mesh.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Hemostasis:(processing scripts)

Click these links to view the interactive applet:
Flocking Version (NEW)
Hemostasis V1
HemoStasis V2

Hemostasis:(processing scripts)

These two processing scripts were written by Francis Bitonti and Brian Osborn

Click these links to view the interactive applet:

Hemostasis V1
HemoStasis V2

written by Francis Bitonti and Brian Osborn
Latest Update: 09102007

//We will borrow a pre-built particle system from Traer physics library and the will use the pdf library for export
import traer.physics.*;
import processing.pdf.*;

//setup for pdf recording functions (snapshot on key command)
boolean recording;
PGraphicsPDF pdf;

//positons for lines
float[] posA;
float[] posB;

//we will use this variable to determine the size of the opening of the cut
float[] heal;
//we will use this variable to determine the attraction (collagen level) of the opening of the cut
float[] col;

//Set "cut" particles as attractor
Particle[] cut;

//set "platelet" particles as array
Particle[] platelets;

//set "redBloodCells" particles as array
Particle[] redBloodCells;

Attraction[][] pull;

//Establish number of particles in each system
ParticleSystem physics;
int gridSizePlatelet = 100;
int gridSizeCut = 20;
int gridSizeRedBloodCell = 100;
float[] x;
float[] y,yA;

void setup(){


//declare floats x,y, and yA
x = new float[gridSizePlatelet];
y = new float[gridSizePlatelet];
yA = new float[gridSizePlatelet];

heal = new float[gridSizeCut];
col = new float[gridSizeCut];

for(int i= 0; i < gridSizeCut; i++){

heal[i] = 10;
col[i] = 10000;

posA = new float[gridSizePlatelet];
posB = new float[gridSizePlatelet];

for (int plateletNumber = 0; plateletNumber x[plateletNumber] = random(0,width);
y[plateletNumber] = random(0,height);
yA[plateletNumber] = random((height/2)-100,(height/2)+100);

//call physics library and set up the cut, platelet, and redBloodCells particles systems
physics = new ParticleSystem(0,1);
pull = new Attraction[gridSizeCut][gridSizePlatelet];
cut = new Particle[gridSizeCut];

for(int cutNumber = 0; cutNumber < gridSizeCut; cutNumber ++){
cut[cutNumber] = physics.makeParticle();

platelets = new Particle[gridSizePlatelet];
redBloodCells = new Particle[gridSizeRedBloodCell];

// draw platelets (set mass)
for(int i = 0; i < gridSizePlatelet; i++){
platelets[i] = physics.makeParticle(1,x[i],y[i],0.0);

for (int cutAttraction = 0; cutAttraction < gridSizeCut; cutAttraction ++){
for (int plateletAttraction = 0; plateletAttraction < gridSizePlatelet; plateletAttraction ++){
//this is an important setting
pull[cutAttraction][plateletAttraction] = physics.makeAttraction(cut[cutAttraction], platelets[plateletAttraction], 10000, 40);

for (int wound = 0; wound < gridSizePlatelet; wound ++){
for (int woundSub = 0; woundSub < gridSizePlatelet; woundSub ++){

void draw(){
for(int lineN = 0; lineN < gridSizePlatelet; lineN++){
posA[lineN] = platelets[lineN].position().x();
posB[lineN] = platelets[lineN].position().y();

//controls the fade
//controles the fade

for(int lineN = 0; lineN < gridSizePlatelet; lineN++){
if(platelets[lineN].velocity().x() > 10 || platelets[lineN].velocity().y() > 10){
stroke (236,0,140);


//draw ellipses at platelets
for(int j = 0; j < gridSizePlatelet; j++){
ellipse( platelets[j].position().x(),platelets[j].position().y(), .7, .7);

//draw ellipses at red blood cells
for(int k = 0; k < gridSizeRedBloodCell; k++){
if(platelets[k].velocity().x() > 10 || platelets[k].velocity().y() > 10){
ellipse( platelets[k].position().x(),platelets[k].position().y(), 3, 3);

//find out if the cuts are being healed
for (int cutAttraction = 0; cutAttraction < gridSizeCut; cutAttraction ++){
for (int plateletAttraction = 0; plateletAttraction < gridSizePlatelet; plateletAttraction ++){
if(platelets[plateletAttraction].position().x() < cut[cutAttraction].position().x() + 50 && platelets[plateletAttraction].position().y() < cut[cutAttraction].position().y() + 50 && platelets[plateletAttraction].position().x() > cut[cutAttraction].position().x() - 50 && platelets[plateletAttraction].position().y() > cut[cutAttraction].position().y() - 50){
heal[cutAttraction] = heal[cutAttraction] - 0.001;
if(heal[cutAttraction] < 0){
heal[cutAttraction] = 0;
for (int plateletAttraction2 = 0; plateletAttraction2 < gridSizePlatelet; plateletAttraction2 ++){

//draw the cut ellipses; size and color based on state in healing process
for (int cutLocation = 0; cutLocation < gridSizeCut; cutLocation ++){
cut[cutLocation].moveTo(x[cutLocation], yA[cutLocation], 0);
stroke (400-(25.5*heal[cutLocation]),0,140);
ellipse(cut[cutLocation].position().x(), cut[cutLocation].position().y(), heal[cutLocation], heal[cutLocation]);

//this is for relocating each individual cut in real time
void keyPressed() {
if (key == '0') {
x[0] = mouseX;
yA[0] = mouseY;
if (key == '1') {
x[1] = mouseX;
yA[1] = mouseY;
if (key == '2') {
x[2] = mouseX;
yA[2] = mouseY;
if (key == '3') {
x[3] = mouseX;
yA[3] = mouseY;
if (key == '4') {
x[4] = mouseX;
yA[4] = mouseY;
if (key == '5') {
x[5] = mouseX;
yA[5] = mouseY;
if (key == '6') {
x[6] = mouseX;
yA[6] = mouseY;
if (key == '7') {
x[7] = mouseX;
yA[7] = mouseY;
if (key == '8') {
x[8] = mouseX;
yA[8] = mouseY;
if (key == '9') {
x[9] = mouseX;
yA[9] = mouseY;
if (key == '0' && key == 'q') {
x[10] = mouseX;
yA[10] = mouseY;
if (key == '1' && key == 'q') {
x[11] = mouseX;
yA[11] = mouseY;
if (key == '2' && key == 'q') {
x[12] = mouseX;
yA[12] = mouseY;
if (key == '3' && key == 'q') {
x[13] = mouseX;
yA[13] = mouseY;
if (key == '4' && key == 'q') {
x[14] = mouseX;
yA[14] = mouseY;
if (key == '5' && key == 'q') {
x[15] = mouseX;
yA[15] = mouseY;
if (key == '6' && key == 'q') {
x[16] = mouseX;
yA[16] = mouseY;
if (key == '7' && key == 'q') {
x[17] = mouseX;
yA[17] = mouseY;
if (key == '8' && key == 'q') {
x[18] = mouseX;
yA[18] = mouseY;
if (key == '9' && key == 'q') {
x[19] = mouseX;
yA[19] = mouseY;
if (key == 'w') {
if (key == 'e'){
// draw platelets
for(int i = 0; i < gridSizePlatelet; i++){
platelets[i] = physics.makeParticle(1,x[i],y[i],0.0);

for (int cutAttraction = 0; cutAttraction < gridSizeCut; cutAttraction ++){
for (int plateletAttraction = 0; plateletAttraction < gridSizePlatelet; plateletAttraction ++){
//this is an important setting
physics.makeAttraction(cut[cutAttraction], platelets[plateletAttraction], 10000, 40);
for (int wound = 0; wound < gridSizePlatelet; wound ++){
for (int woundSub = 0; woundSub < gridSizePlatelet; woundSub ++){

//This is for the record on keypress function
if (key == 'a') {
if (recording) {
println("Recording stopped.");
recording = false;
else {
beginRecord(PDF, "frame-####.pdf");
println("Recording started.");
recording = true;
else if (key == 's') {
if (recording) {

if (key == 'z') {
// pull[0].setMinimumDistance(500);
// pull[1].setMinimumDistance(500);
// pull[2].setMinimumDistance(500);
println("reset Distance");


for (int cutAttraction = 0; cutAttraction < gridSizeCut; cutAttraction ++){
for (int plateletAttraction = 0; plateletAttraction < gridSizePlatelet; plateletAttraction ++){

if (key == 'x') {
println("reset Distance");
for (int cutAttraction = 0; cutAttraction < gridSizeCut; cutAttraction ++){
for (int plateletAttraction = 0; plateletAttraction < gridSizePlatelet; plateletAttraction ++){

if (key == 'c') {
println("reset Distance");

for (int cutAttraction = 0; cutAttraction < gridSizeCut; cutAttraction ++){
for (int plateletAttraction = 0; plateletAttraction < gridSizePlatelet; plateletAttraction ++){

if (key == 'v') {
println("reset Distance");
for (int cutAttraction = 0; cutAttraction < gridSizeCut; cutAttraction ++){
for (int plateletAttraction = 0; plateletAttraction < gridSizePlatelet; plateletAttraction ++){

if (key == 'r') {
// draw platelets (set mass)
for(int i = 0; i < gridSizePlatelet; i++){

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Script/INE (Universal Garden)

I created this image and a series of diagrams for the Script/INE exhibition at the F.U.E.L Gallery in Philadelphia PA. This Exhibition will be on Display until September 7th.

There where a number of scripts developed to make this project possible. However, I have posed the two scripts that I feel are the “engine” of the project. You can download all the tools I developed from the link on the upper right hand corner of this page under the download my scripts heading.

int $loopA;
int $loopB;
$loopB = 0;
$loopA = 0;
int $blindDataArray[];
string $dataArray[];
int $data;
$data = 0;
int $typeCheck;
$typeCheck = 0;
int $size;
int $type;
$type = 7;
int $oneC;
$oneC = 0;
int $zeroC;
$zeroC = 0;
int $last;
$last = 0;
int $add2;
$add2 = 0;
int $add;
$add = 0;

//string $FEM_selected[] = `ls -sl`;

string $dataArray2[];
int $size2;
select -r Mesh ;
$dataArray2 = `ls -sl -fl`;
$size2 = size($dataArray2);
select -cl ;

while($loopA < $size2){ select -r Mesh.f[$loopA] ; // select -r Mesh.f[0]; $blindTest2 = `polyQueryBlindData -showComp`; print ($blindTest2[0]+"\n"); print ($blindTest2[1]); $blindConv2 = $blindTest2[1]; $typeCheck = $blindConv2; if($typeCheck == 1){ print"one\n"; $type = 1; } if($typeCheck == 0){ print"Zero\n"; $type = 0; } ConvertSelectionToEdges; ConvertSelectionToFaces; $dataArray = `ls -sl -fl`; $size = size($dataArray); print($size + "\n"); select -cl ; while($loopB < (size($dataArray))){ select -r $dataArray[$loopB] ; $blindTest = `polyQueryBlindData -showComp`; print ($blindTest[0]+"\n"); print ($blindTest[1]); $blindConv = $blindTest[1]; $blindDataArray[$loopB] = $blindConv; $last = $blindDataArray[$loopB]; if($last == 0){ $zeroC = $zeroC + 1; } if($last == 1){ $oneC = $oneC + 1; } $loopB = $loopB + 1; } if($type = 1 && $oneC <> 3){

select -r Mesh.f[$loopA] ;
polyBlindData -id 0 -associationType "face" -longDataName "number" -doubleData 0.0;


if($type = 1 && $oneC == 2 || $oneC == 3){

select -r Mesh.f[$loopA] ;
polyBlindData -id 0 -associationType "face" -longDataName "number" -doubleData 1.0;

$blindTest = `polyQueryBlindData -showComp`;
print ($blindTest[0]+"\n");
print ($blindTest[3]);
$blindConv = $blindTest[3];
$add2 = $blindConv;
$add = $add2 + 1;

polyBlindData -id 1 -associationType "face" -longDataName "numberA" -doubleData $add;


if($type = 0 && $oneC == 3){

select -r Mesh.f[$loopA] ;
polyBlindData -id 0 -associationType "face" -longDataName "number" -doubleData 1.0;

$blindTest = `polyQueryBlindData -showComp`;
print ($blindTest[0]+"\n");
print ($blindTest[3]);
$blindConv = $blindTest[3];
$add2 = $blindConv;
$add = $add2 + 1;

polyBlindData -id 1 -associationType "face" -longDataName "numberA" -doubleData $add;


print($oneC + "\n");
print($zeroC + "\n");
$oneC = 0;
$add = 0;
$add2 = 0;
$zeroC = 0;
$loopA = $loopA + 1;
$loopB = 0;

global proc twirlSprout(){

float $ran;
int $out;
int $randCont;
$randCount = 0;
int $evalu[];
int $masterCount;
matrix $matr[22] [22];
int $rotChoiceX;
int $rotChoiceY;
int $rotChoiceZ;
float $rotX;
float $rotY;
float $rotZ;
int $i;
int $scalChoiceX;
int $scalChoiceY;
int $scalChoiceZ;
float $scalX;
float $scalY;
float $scalZ;
int $randPrint;
int $sproutLoop;
float $temp[];
int $q;
int $w;

while ($randCount<22){ ran =" rand(0,1);" out =" 1;"> 0.5){
$evalu[$randCount] = 0;
$out = 0;

$randCount = $randCount + 1;


$randPrint = 0;

while($randPrint < randprint =" $randPrint" evalu =" {1," rev =" 14;" x =" 0;" j =" 0;" j =" 0;" mastercount =" 0;" check =" $j" check =" 0;" j =" $j" mastercount =" $masterCount" x =" $x" j =" 0;" i =" 0;" q =" 0;" w =" 0;" w =" 0;" w =" $w" q =" $q" sproutloop =" 0;" rotchoicex =" $matr[2]" rotchoicey =" $matr[2]" rotchoicez =" $matr[2]" scalchoicex =" $matr[2]" scalchoicey =" $matr[2]" scalchoicez =" $matr[2]" rotchoicex ="="" rotx =" -20;" scalx =" 0.9;" rotchoicex ="="" rotx =" 0;" scalx =" 1.01;" rotchoicey ="="" roty =" -20;" scaly =" 0.9;" rotchoicey ="="" roty =" 0;" scaly =" 1.01;" rotchoicez ="="" rotz =" -20;" scalz =" 1.01;" rotchoicez ="="" rotz =" 0;" scalz =" 0.9;" tempselection =" `ls" sproutloop =" $sproutLoop" rotchoicex =" $matr[2]" rotchoicey =" $matr[2]" rotchoicez =" $matr[2]" scalchoicex =" $matr[2]" scalchoicey =" $matr[2]" scalchoicez =" $matr[2]" rotchoicex ="="" rotx =" 20;" scalx =" 0.9;" rotchoicex ="="" rotx =" 0;" scalx =" 1.01;" rotchoicey ="="" roty =" 20;" scaly =" 0.9;" rotchoicey ="="" roty =" 0;" scaly =" 1.01;" rotchoicez ="="" rotz =" 20;" scalz =" 1.01;" rotchoicez ="="" rotz =" 0;" scalz =" 0.9;" tempselection =" `ls" sproutloop =" $sproutLoop" selco =" 0;" dataarray =" `ls" size =" size($dataArray);" selco =" $selCo">